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Vicki Boeckman

Vicki Boeckman is a passionate musician who has been performing and teaching since the 1980s. Her career as a professional recorder player has been a highly rewarding journey which has taken her to many countries and given her the opportunity to record numerous CDs with incredible musicians in various ensemble settings. She is honored to be an integral part of Seattle’s vibrant early music community as well as being in demand as a teacher at workshops and seminars across the US.

Before settling in Seattle, Vicki resided in Denmark from 1981-2005, first as a student at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, later collaborating with some of the finest musicians and composers of the day including Per Nørgård, Hans Abrahamsen, Ole Buck, and Markus Zahnhausen to name a few. Her Danish recorder trio Wood'N'Flutes had a fantastic 15-year run performing all over Europe and received government grants to work with contemporary composers in addition to children's theater. She was an adjunct professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen for 12 years and taught at the Ishøj Municipal School of Music for 23 years. Many of those students are now professionals, performing and teaching in conservatories in Denmark and around Europe.

In the Pacific Northwest Vicki has been a featured soloist with the Seattle Symphony, Seattle Baroque Orchestra, the Yakima Symphony, Portland Baroque Orchestra, The Oregon Symphony, Portland Opera, Medieval Women's Choir, Gallery Concerts, Boise Philharmonic, Philharmonia Northwest Orchestra, and the Skagit Symphony. She is currently a member of the Farallon Recorder Quartet, Music director for the Seattle Recorder Society, co-director for the Recorder Orchestra of Puget Sound (ROPS), and Artistic Director for the Port Townsend Early Music Workshop. She adores teaching children as well as adults and has been on the faculty at Music Center of the Northwest since 2005 in addition to having a thriving home and Zoom studio. Vicki is a two-time recipient of the recorder residency at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology in Oregon, and a two-time recipient of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.

Vicki embraces opportunities to laugh and appreciate friends and family, spend time outdoors, cook and eat good food, drink wine and single malts (responsibly), walk briskly, and make things grow in the garden. She is overjoyed (and relieved) to be returning to live, in-person concerts and workshops after the pandemic hiatus and is eagerly looking forward to the Fifth Fall Fipple Flute Forum collaborating with favored faculty from near and far!

Vicki can be reached at

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